What exactly is Neurodiverse Connections?
We are a non-profit resource for those who work with, teach, love, befriend, parent, or ARE neurodivergent themselves. We are committed to partnering with our schools, professionals, and community to build an alliance that promotes respect and understanding for neurodiversity. We believe understanding and NeuroEmpathy can alleviate stigma and make the world a safer, more welcoming place for all people.
What we offer your organization:
We approach our workshops and educational events as empathy-building experiences. NeuroEmpathy offers us a peek at how another person experiences the world. When we truly empathize with another human being’s circumstances, accommodations and supports become self-evident, arising organically from the needs expressed by the individual, not from a generic one-size fits all “policy”. Our workshops emphasize that:
Accommodating different communication, learning, thinking, and work styles addresses the equity and accessibility gaps inherent in our culture.
Accommodations are not an onerous list of the “special needs” of a few individuals.
Accommodations are universally beneficial allowing all people to feel comfortable, included and able to do their best work.
What kind of stuff do we teach?
All of our NeuroEmpathy Workshops can be tailored for children (in both learning and home environments) and adults (in work and public environments). Topics include:
The Neurodiversity Paradigm and supporting ALL minds
Amygdala Hijack and the 8 F’s (More than just Fight or Flight!)
Pineapples, Lizard Brains, and Puking- Some Things Really are Unreasonable!
Identity-First vs. Person-First - What, Why, How?
The Social Model vs. Medical Model of Disability with actionable steps that improve EVERY person’s experience
Respectful Support for Neurodivergent Brains, Anxiety, and Sensory Differences
Behavior as Communication— NeuroEmpathy Offers a Deeper Understanding
Any combination of these topics
Any gaps in knowledge you’d like us to address including deep dives on specific Neurodivergent Conditions
What you can expect:
Neurodiverse Connections will create fun experiences and challenges allowing your group to:
Actually feel what it’s like to have some of the hallmarks of differently-wired neurodivergent brains
Notice the feelings these challenges bring up
Explore ways to regulate and address uncomfortable feelings
We have found that preparing participants in advance is really helpful. Our goal is to notice the sensations triggered during the experience rather than focusing on winning, completing, or beating it.
But why does this matter?
The Seattle area is home to lots of smart successful neurodivergent adults– Autistics, ADHDrs, Dyslexics etc.-- thriving in their careers (we’d argue) because of their unique brains. Like any trait, brain-wiring is inherited, so the Seattle-area probably sees higher-than-average numbers of neurodivergent children as well. Global numbers estimate 20% of the world is neurodivergent equating to over 5000 people on Bainbridge Island alone. With this in mind, it just makes sense for every person to understand some of the sensory and executive function differences that accompany neurodivergent brains. Also significant after nearly 3 years of a global pandemic, anxiety levels in all of us are higher than ever, and ironically, anxious neurotypical brains act a LOT like neurodivergent brains.
As we re-examine everything about how we work, school, play and relate to each other, now is the time to let go of old ideas that served only a few and embrace new practices that are better for everyone. Now is the time to build the world we want to live in. Neurodiverse Connections can help.